Bullies Vs. NIC

In order to justify the spending of public taxes, the aims of a public education must reflect the values of the community. Therefore, partisan politics has no place in education. This is why the NIC Board Trustee position is a non-partisan elected office. However, the public conversation around accreditation and governance issues recently has gone nuclear. False narratives abound. Scare tactics polarize and ridicule. Rants and raves amount to so much schoolyard bullying. Like children, irate actors ignore facts. How many times does the Press have to be told that, although a serious issue, loss of accreditation is not a serious reality at NIC? The majority on the Board of Trustees has no plan on turning the college into a condo association. Banducci is not from Mars or the underworld. You have cost the college hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past few years by weaponizing everything from the Opinion Column in these pages to the accreditation function. Precious time and money have been, and continue to be, spent to assuage your ongoing partisan temper tantrum.

Board trustees have been forced to fight, at great personal expense, to represent their constituency and govern responsibly. The aims of education are the highest aims a public institution can be tasked with, that of shaping young minds. Students will enroll more at NIC when the adults stop bickering and start paying attention to what really matters: teaching, not indoctrinating.

If you care about NIC, stop the lies and stop the bullying.

Letters From the Lawn

Grassroot Citizens Speaking Out


Kootenai County Legislator Town Hall - Feb 4th


Russ Fulcher Town Hall